Taking notes from the articles we read is not something we researchers talk about a lot, which means you have probably developed your own ad-hoc, idiosyncratic methods. And they probably work … but could they be better?

I find the very best way to learn this kind of everyday practice is in casual conversations; the sort that usually take place in the tearooms and hallways of academia. When @riotk asked me to do a post on note taking I figured Twitter was the ideal vehicle to start gathering ideas. Twitter enables me to host a ‘watercooler’ conversation – globally.

I know lots of people either don’t like Twitter, or think it’s a waste of time. I hope to convince you otherwise. Last night I facilitated a live Australian #phdchat on the topic on note taking tips and techniques, where lots of good ideas were shared. In fact, the discussion threw up a surprising diversity of practices and of thoughts on what appears, from a distance, to be a rather mundane subject.

Head over to ‘Storify’ to see the story I made by editing and commenting on a selection of the many tweets .

I hope you enjoy my notes on this conversation on note taking. If you have any more ideas on note taking to share I’d love you to leave them in the comments – either here or on the Storify site.

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