May 25, 2016

Musings on the Unruly PhD

This post is by Catherine Ayres, a PhD candidate in the School of Sociology at the Australian National University who is researching the multiple and sometimes conflicting ways we conceptualise and experience ‘Nature’, specifically in the realm of national parks and other protected areas. She also nerds it up as an intern at ANU Researchcontinue reading.

March 11, 2015

Book review: Writing for peer reviewed journals

Here at the Whisperer we know you read a lot, so we try to do some of the reading for you. There’s a lot of books out there on doing a PhD and being an academic – which ones should you buy? If you are a regular reader you will know that Pat Thomson andcontinue reading.

January 28, 2015

Book Review: Ethics and Values in Social Research, Paul Ransome

Here at the Whisperer we try to make your life easier by reading books and doing reviews. We try to review books which would appeal to most researchers, but some of the books we get sent have more specific audiences in mind. “Ethics and Values in Social research” by Paul Ransome is clearly designed forcontinue reading.

October 29, 2014

Are you stopping yourself from finishing your PhD?

The other day I had a lovely lunch on the balcony next to my office with two late stage ANU PhD students. We enjoyed the late winter sun and the view of Black mountain Tower while the ANU Quidditch team frolicked on the oval in front of us. It was one of those moments where academiacontinue reading.

August 6, 2014

Book review: Mendeley

Part of our mission here at the Whisperer is to do some of the reading for you – at least as much as we can! Some time ago I did a review of “Doing your dissertation with Microsoft Word”, a self published book by South African academic Jacques Raubenheimer. I was impressed by the throughnesscontinue reading.

July 30, 2014

53 interesting ways to communicate your research

Sara Shinton is a freelance research educator who works for a range of universities north of the Scottish border. I’ve followed Sara on Twitter for ages and kept meeting people who love her work. After a series of missed attempts to meet during my visits to the UK, I did wonder if we were destinedcontinue reading.

May 21, 2014

Book Review: study skills for post graduates

While there are a plethora of books on how to do your PhD, very few of them deal with doing a PhD while living overseas and working in another language. Conversely, books on study skills for international undergraduate students are relatively common, so when “Study skills for international postgraduates ” by Martin Davies came acrosscontinue reading.

September 27, 2012

A shameless plug

So… I wrote an ebook. Or, more precisely, I compiled one out of blog posts and put it up on Amazon for $3.99 AUD – a price point carefully calibrated to match the cost of a cup of coffee in my home town, Melbourne. I thought I would write a quick post to give it a shameless plug let you all know it’s out there and what’s in it, so you can decide if you want to buy it or not.

April 2, 2012

Book Review: Mapping your Thesis

This book has become my ultimate authority on everything thesis writing related. My copy is now well thumbed – but I have still not read every page…

June 10, 2010

How to write a lot

PhD students have to do a lot of a lot of reading. One of our philosophies at the Whisperer is to ease that burden by doing some of the reading for you. With that in mind I present our first book review.