May 20, 2015

A taste for (academic) danger

This post is by Lara Corr, a research fellow from the Centre for Health Equity at Melbourne University With three months to go before completion, I found myself watching a YouTube presentation of a scholar I deeply respect and admire. Queue thesis meltdown #476. My heart raced and my chest constricted as I listened tocontinue reading.

March 4, 2015

My thesis is a cupcake, not a dragon

My twin sister, Anitra Nottingham, finished her masters by research in the Faculty of education at the University of Melbourne last year. She sent me this post when she was towards the end of her project in a moment of clarity… My friend Kevin has a Ph.D. His dissertation is about folklore, which means knowscontinue reading.

October 8, 2014

How to survive a ‘mid PhD crisis’

This post is by James Donald, a PhD student in Organisational Behaviour at the ANU. His research explores the impacts of mindfulness on stress and resilience in the workplace. James is an experienced facilitator and mindfulness trainer, and regularly leads mindfulness and well-being workshops in the community, public and private sectors. His training company is Mindfulness Works. Have you had your “mid-PhDcontinue reading.

April 9, 2014

Book Review: “BITE recipes for remarkable research”

Judy Robertson is the co-editor of  the free to download academic recipe book “BITE: Recipes for  Remarkable Research” which is published by Sense this month. I was privileged to take part in this project and contribute a recipe and case study to the book. In this post Judy explains why on earth she wanted tocontinue reading.

January 23, 2012

How do I start my discussion chapter?

If you are feeling anxious about the discussion section rest assured you are not alone. It’s an issue that comes up time and time again in my workshops. There’s no one answer that can help everyone because every project is original, so I thought I would offer a few thoughts on it by way of starting a conversation.